Thursday 6 July 2023


Convolvulus Blue (Convolvulus sabatius) is a super vigorous, non invasive, easy to grow ground cover that covers those difficult to maintain places. The violet blue flowers appear in early spring and continue until early autumn.

It is native to the Mediterranean region and suitable for a full sun to part shade position in well drained soil, requiring little water once established. Suitable as a spillover plant ground cover plant hanging baskets and coastal gardens.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


  1. It is like many little eyes staring at us

  2. Here Bindweed is an invasive plant choking out farm crops, but the flowers are pretty.

  3. Such beautiful blue flowers.
    I also schow in my post little blue blossoms !

  4. Pretty flowers, I like the color! Have a great day!


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