Tuesday, 18 March 2014


The Scarborough Lily (Cyrtanthus elatus; many previous synonyms including Vallota speciosa) is a bulbous flowering plant which originates from the Cape Province of South Africa. Other common names are Fire Lily or George Lily.

Cultivated varieties of the Scarborough Lily have flowers which may be bright red, orange, yellow, or occasionally pink or white. The stems can grow to a height of up to 2 feet. They are relatively easy to grow, and can be grown in pots. They require either full sun or slight shade. They flower in late Summer or early Autumn. These are now in bloom in Melbourne.

This post is part of the Nature Footsteps Floral Macros meme,
and also part of the Our World Tuesday meme,
and also part of the Ruby Tuesday meme.


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