Sunday, 16 March 2025


Welcome to the meme, "My Sunday Best", which is a photographic and creative meme that allows you to showcase your talents in imaging. Every Sunday, you can post here showing an image you have created using your camera, (and/or) image processing software, and/or painting and drawing in the conventional way and have scanned in.
The rules are simple:
1) Create your image and post it up on your blog;
2) Put the "My Sunday Best" logo image link somewhere on your post so people can click and come by here;
3) Leave a comment here once you have posted
4) Visit other posters' blogs and be amazed with their creativity.
Please do not use this meme to advertise your goods or services. This is a creative meme and any inappropriate links or comments shall be removed immediately.
This novel was one result of my creative endeavours that came out of the COVID pandemic. I've been told that it's a good read (and not by just friends and family! ;-).

Last week, I had such a hard time picking a favourite photo, as all of the submitted entries were fantastic! Consider all of you applauded very heartily. Nevertheless the photo below made me stop and look at it for a while... Please visit India via Rupam Sarma's blog and enjoy more wonderful shots.


  1. I will have to check out this novel. Thanks for the recommendation. I think you did well in your choice of pictures to feature.

    1. This comment if from Taken For Granted. Google thinks I'm Anonymous.

  2. congratulations for your book. Have a nice week

  3. Heartiest Congratulations for your new novel. Thank you so much for featuring my photography. Thanks a lot for hosting.

  4. Wonderful picture of this old ship.
    Have a wonderful sunday

  5. Oh Nick! I didn't know you were published. Congratulations. That is so exciting. And so much work to write a novel. I will track down a copy in due course (I've a queue - I'm at a book launch for a friend this week). I am so excited for you!

  6. Congrats on writing a full novel, and completing it, and getting it published!

  7. I have yet bought it on Amazon as I dont have an account and is overseas too. I will check it out once back to Australia.


I love to hear from you, so please comment. I appreciate constructive criticism as it improves my skills as an amateur photographer.