Sunday, 27 November 2022


Welcome to the meme, "My Sunday Best", which is a photographic and creative meme that allows you to showcase your talents in imaging. Every Sunday, you can post here showing an image you have created using your camera, (and/or) image processing software, and/or painting and drawing in the conventional way and have scanned in.
The rules are simple:
1) Create your image and post it up on your blog;
2) Put the "My Sunday Best" logo image link somewhere on your post so people can click and come by here;
3) Leave a comment here once you have posted;
4) Visit other posters' blogs and be amazed with their creativity.
Please do not use this meme to advertise your goods or services. This is a creative meme and any inappropriate links or comments shall be removed immediately.
"It was the experience of mystery - even if mixed with fear - that engendered religion." - Albert Einstein

Last week, Image-in-ing in the USA, posted some lovely images on the occasion of Thanksgiving. Please visit her blog for more fine photos.

Thursday, 24 November 2022


Clematis jackmanii 'General Sikorski' has beautiful big, mauve flowers up to 15cm across. The flowers are followed by fluffy seed heads. It has dark green foliage and is quick to establish and flowers spring to autumn. The strong, vine tendrils are covered in flowers, like brilliant jewels strung up in your garden, for many weeks. Perfect to soften harsh edges - posts, pergolas fences and walls or even trees.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme

Sunday, 20 November 2022


Welcome to the meme, "My Sunday Best", which is a photographic and creative meme that allows you to showcase your talents in imaging. Every Sunday, you can post here showing an image you have created using your camera, (and/or) image processing software, and/or painting and drawing in the conventional way and have scanned in.
The rules are simple:
1) Create your image and post it up on your blog;
2) Put the "My Sunday Best" logo image link somewhere on your post so people can click and come by here;
3) Leave a comment here once you have posted;
4) Visit other posters' blogs and be amazed with their creativity.

Please do not use this meme to advertise your goods or services. This is a creative meme and any inappropriate links or comments shall be removed immediately.
A plane leaf stuck on a pane of glass over which water is streaming.

Last week, Taken for Granted gave us a beautiful, stark landscape of the prairies in the USA. Please visit his blog for more fine photos.

Thursday, 17 November 2022


Leucospermum cordifolium  is native to the South west cape of South Africa. It is a small shrub, flowering beautifully in September, the Southern Spring. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter and quite spectacular! They grow well in Australia.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme

Sunday, 13 November 2022


Welcome to the meme, "My Sunday Best", which is a photographic and creative meme that allows you to showcase your talents in imaging. Every Sunday, you can post here showing an image you have created using your camera, (and/or) image processing software, and/or painting and drawing in the conventional way and have scanned in
The rules are simple:
1) Create your image and post it up on your blog;
2) Put the "My Sunday Best" logo image link somewhere on your post so people can click and come by here;
3) Leave a comment here once you have posted;
4) Visit other posters' blogs and be amazed with their creativity.
Please do not use this meme to advertise your goods or services. This is a creative meme and any inappropriate links or comments shall be removed immediately.
At Melbourne's Southbank, looking towards South Melbourne and the Port Phillip Bay.
Last Week, Mascha in Germany gave us this lovely Autumnal shot. Please visit her blog and see more of her work.

Thursday, 10 November 2022


Crucifix orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense) is a species of the Orchidaceae family that occurs naturally from Mexico to Colombia. It has long, thin stems and leathery leaves. The flowers bloom in clusters, with up to 20 flowers open on a stem at once. They come in orange, red, mauve, purple, salmon and yellow. We have the orange and red varieties growing profusely as potted specimens in our garden and they are very rewarding plants.

The common name 'crucifix orchid' refers to the lip of the flower (called the labellum), which resembles a small, gold cross. Crucifix orchids are tough, easy to grow, easily propagated and they have vivid, long lasting flowers. In fact, they are an excellent beginner's orchid. They can be grown in containers in a free-draining mix, amongst rocks in the garden, or in soil. They like a frost-free climate and flower best in a full sun position.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme

Sunday, 6 November 2022


Welcome to the meme, "My Sunday Best", which is a photographic and creative meme that allows you to showcase your talents in imaging. Every Sunday, you can post here showing an image you have created using your camera, (and/or) image processing software, and/or painting and drawing in the conventional way and have scanned in.
The rules are simple:
1) Create your image and post it up on your blog;
2) Put the "My Sunday Best" logo image link somewhere on your post so people can click and come by here;
3) Leave a comment here once you have posted;
4) Visit other posters' blogs and be amazed with their creativity.
Please do not use this meme to advertise your goods or services. This is a creative meme and any inappropriate links or comments shall be removed immediately.
Last week, Klara in Poland posted some wonderful sunset photos. Please visit her blog for more great shots.

Thursday, 3 November 2022


The 'Fairy Wings' collection of lavenders (Lavandula hybrids) has been bred in Australia for their compact habits, highly fragrant foliage and free flowering traits. Easy to care for, dry tolerant with outstanding performance under Australian conditions. The striking purple coloured flowers are set just above the fragrant foliage making it a stunning and ideal choice for containers, gardens and courtyards/decks. They can be equally stunning planted en masse to make a colour statement. The hybrid illustrated is Lavandula 'Spellbound'.

This post is part of the Floral Friday Fotos meme